
La Rosdollane’s pillars
They travelled long ways to bring their share to the genetic pole of the cattery, they gave us heedlessly their best and are now enjoying a well deserved rest, often with one of their kittens or a beloved bud. Though hearwreaking rehoming them gave them the status of a beloved pet in a kingdom dedicated to love them and take care. Those who passed away keep a forever place engraved deep in our heart.
January 2004, the very first settlers
Quite a souvenir the muddy construction sites of Roissy in January 2004, the rain, the noise and suddenly a Californian sun gilded like a bread roll begins to purr so loudly the hostesses of Air France Cargo came to see what was happening. Nenou and Shaya were finally there, Such a bunch of marvels!
Ragnarok's Urbain
aka Benenou, or Nenou, our gentle giant teddy, grumpy and gruffy purr machine. Many of his offsprings still bear his lovely blue eyes and sumptuous coat all around Europe.
Ragnarok's Ubaye
aka Shaya the shy, who ate only if handfed, hid under furniture but purred so loudly when we got close that she was esay to locate. Shaya the sweet left too early, so young, her kidneys destroyed. How do we miss her terribly stil ! She is the grandmother of Gilda.
2004, the family extends
Ragdolls are like elephants, one calls another…
Venus Tiger of the Living Dolls
I went to fetch Vénus to Brussels in july 2004, 35°C on the tarmac on departure in Marignane, 16°C at landing in Brussels, how pleasant was this refreshing misty drizzle! Did you know this? You don’t French fries in the streets of Brussels, but waffles! And delicate laces. Venus Tiger, her immense eyes, a gifted nature, I immediately melt down, so much that Kristel seeing me speechless was mistaken and told me friendly: “See, if you do not want her, if you don’t like her you can tell us! ”

Venus would cheerfully feed her 6 kittens until three months of age and still take care of other mother’s ones. Even orphan Tinytonks.
The mischievous little one hid discreetly in Nenou’ quarters while he was at the veterinarian and when he returned, still dazed, she did not move, it is only half an hour later that we found Sir Nenou busy with some remains forgotten by the veterinarians. And 63 days later 6 kittens were born, cleverer than Fernand Sardou!

Unfortunately the birth turned badly, we saved saved her as well as her 6 kittens by caesarian and Venus immediately asserted her rights for pension. She lives at the moment in Poitiers at Chantal with Chopin the Tinytonk ,her baby of heart.
Venus is the ancestor of our NeriKiri.
2005, the rising tide
Lenitas Daria
December 28th 2005, hardly back from Rome I leave to Germany, in Cologne there to fetch Daria at Katja’s
The Germanic greyness, and a ray of sunshine, a gorgeous sweet chatty kitty.
I quickly nicknamed her “Strudel”, a raisin, an apple, a meow, a purr … Daria began slowly its breeder’s career, first call when 14-month-olds, first litter at 18, to end in apothéose with a huge litter of 7.
Hyperprotective mom, she didn’t like promiscuity and stole others’ kittens, and often created clash. She now lives a peaceful pension at Fabienne in only and adulated queen.
Daria is the grandmother of Liebe.
New colours, new horizons
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Precious Romeo of Dianespride
After a blank trip to Italy Roméo the magnificent entered our life. In Portugal Vinca’s halfbrother was waiting for us, and the cattery took a dramatic turn. To meet such a character is not given to everybody, it is a grace, a godsend and a fruit of the indefatigable work of the passionate breeders, specially her breeder Diane.
It took more than three years to reach his full development, he terribly missed cuddles and attention then when he reached 4 he gave up his breeding stuff for slippers and started a career of sofa tester. He reached the to high of benches becoming Supreme Champion, thank you Monique Biausse who crowned his career and to Geneviève who supports him in exhibitions.
He spends now a peaceful pension in the Pyreneans with Wagner and Vanilla at Gaétan and Patricia.
Roméo is Janvier’s greatgrandfather.
Oceanblue Chiarodiluna et Celestiale
Back to Rome end 2005, to fetch our beautiful Italian ladies, Celestiale and Chiarodiluna at Marcella and Guido
Epic road trip with Marjolaine and Axel in Peugeot 205 through Italy. Quick visit of Rome, then way back by the Tuscany, Florence at a run, the Leaning Tower of Pisa on a midnight polar cold and a tasting of Tiramisu and Italian-style profiteroles avé fingers in an endless trafficjam. Then the autostrada delle Fiori, a funnel, a bridge, a funnel, a bridge … Luna was sterilized in 2009. She is from same lineage than Roméo by her mom Ibicenca. Luna is our sales agent, she displays her winning ways to visitors and melts even the most reluctant.Luna is ancestor of Odile.

Celestiale was at once fusional with Roméo, she would always be with him, dragged her kittens in his room where he did gently take care of them. She gave us magnificent vaporous kittens like her. She enjoys a peaceful retirement time with a friend where she is the lone queen of the kingdom.
Céleste is grandmother of Janvier.
lilac… and issues, that’s routine, ain’t it?
the story is going on over there
Somewhere over the rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow, they have been part of our life, never forgotten they are in our heart forever.